Automatic signal name generation based on the sheet and grid location, and the attributes of the device pin. Structuring the variant/option tree by arranging options below folders with user-defined names enables the user to assign, re-assign, find and structure options according to their intended use.

On the authoring side, new E3.series functions that allow options to be sorted in ascending or descending order, as well as grouped by option packages and configurations, are welcome productivity improvements. E3.series is widely adopted across a broad range of industry sectors that need to handle options and variants both on authoring level, and as part of a larger data and workflow management system. The growing number of options and variants offered for the automotive, industrial machinery and equipment sectors in particular means that additional management functions are necessary for schematics. Increased productivity with improved handling The latest version of E3.series - Zuken's industry-leading electrical and fluid CAD software - contains enhanced automotive design collaboration with E3.HarnessAnalyzer ease-of-use improvements for design changes in the machinery sector plus across-the-board productivity enhancements.Į3.series benefits from years of development and collaboration across a wide range of sectors with customers such as ARM Automation, which designs, builds and supports custom automated manufacturing systems. Zuken announces improved overall productivity for electrical design, plus sector-specific enhancements for automotive and manufacturing.